#59: Howdie Mickoski

#59: Howdie Mickoski

Howdie Mickoski is a researcher who has spent the past decade-plus investigating such subjects as the philosophy and teachings of ancient Egypt, the philosophy and teachings of the Cathars, Gnostics and other historical groups, as well as the works of Carlos Castenada, among others.

Howdie has also written books about the fascinating history of the world's fairs and expositions of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and postulates what these events can tell us about our history. Please join me for this interview in which we discuss all aspects of these fairs and expos and wonder about what these investigations have to tell us about our current world situation.

Bring your most open mind and questioning habits to this interview, and enjoy the ride.


Comments 41

Les on

Buildings that exist for only a matter of months.

Ela on

I’m wondering if Howdie’s name was indeed inspired by Harry Howdini, especially knowing that his father was a ‘professional conman’?

j on

Thank you. I Iove this stuff. Here are additional related presentations that expose similar information, especially on building phenomena, the orphans, elimination of the existing populations, the size of man and plants prior to the flood, the idea of a flat earth,… .
https://odysee.com/history.nikipress.com:4/The-Lost-History-of-Earth-2.1---Ewaranon:5 https://odysee.com/thetruthwillprevail:d/What-on-earth-happened:ae

We hear all these things are in plain sight. Yes, to a point. Manipulation of what we see is not in plain sight, nor noticed until we question it, or hear another bring the question that does not seem to have a logical answer per our training.

I find Scripture most interesting, whereby God says all that is hidden shall be revealed. And, pure religion is to help the widows and orphans. Are these and many other passages more clues about nefarious activity here? I believe so.

More power to you, Howdie, as well as Tom and all who take a step back and say, uh uh, not so fast, what actually happened here?

Jesus, John, and others of old said, you’re a liar. That’s blunt. I think they have much to say and learn from. I hope we figure these things out before someone decides to return earth to the orphan experience again. It doesn’t seem fair, does it?

Mama Wolf on

Wonderful & intriguing conversation. Thank you for this presentation. Interesting that Netflix is hosting a series about ancient civilizations that were possibly wiped out by a great (worldwide) cosmic calamity. Perfect since we have so much weather technology now it would be possible to create the appearance of catestrophic weather events (especially since everyone has been primed with ‘climate change’ propaganda) to be able to blame ‘natural’ occurances to ‘reset’ society. As soon as the narrator of the series said, we are entering the same cosmic pattern in the heavens as during that time, I knew it was going to be one possible scapegoat for global destruction. Add the fact that it’s on Netflix and Joe Rogan made an appearance (a supposed truth seeker) I knew it was a propaganga piece sprinkled with some truths about advanced civilizations.

Donna on

#59: Howdie Mickoski
#59: Howdie Mickoski

By Tom Cowan on January 12, 2023

Howdie Mickoski is a researcher who has spent the past decade-plus investigating such subjects as the philosophy and teachings of ancient Egypt, the philosophy and teachings of the Cathars, Gnostics and other historical groups, as well as the works of Carlos Castenada, among others.

Howdie has also written books about the fascinating history of the world’s fairs and expositions of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and postulates what these events can tell us about our history. Please join me for this interview in which we discuss all aspects of these fairs and expos and wonder about what these investigations have to tell us about our current world situation.

Bring your most open mind and questioning habits to this interview, and enjoy the ride.

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Donna on

This is exactly the right kind of medicine we need right now.
Something’s afoot with why they want to exterminate the natural DNA codes of all living beings on planet Earth.
Why? Is our DNA keyed to our planet’s codes? Is Earth something else than a planet – a energy being with an energy source? In fact, is that what we are? Never thought of these questions until this video. I do feel I am supposed to be creating. Rather than being stuck in conditioned programs, we are at the point of CREATING from SOUL. Thankyou so much for shredding more belief constructs with this interview. We will find our way home . On Team Cowan x
One Request : Can Howie talk more about working with energy using physical strcutures? He touched upon the topic when mentioning the cathedral , with the rose windows and the organ playing particular frequencies.) Thankyou.

Donna on

This is exactly the right kind of medicine we need right now.
Something’s afoot with why they want to exterminate the natural DNA codes of all living beings on planet Earth.
Why? Does our DNA keyed to our planet’s codes? Is Earth something else than a planet – a energy being with an energy source? In fact, is that what we are? Never thought of these questions until this video. I do feel I am supposed to be creating. Not stuck in a conditioned programs but CREAING from SOUL. Thankyou thankyou so much for shredding more belief constructs. We will find our way home . On Team Cowan x

SaysWho on

Yes, the entire sense of reality has come into question over these past 3 years. I consider myself a sane person, but I’d love it if you would do a show on the foundations of NASA (with the red forked-tongue across the Logo) and also the Antarctica expeditions in the early to mid 1900’s, Project Highjump and why the major countries all began firing high altitude missiles into space right after the Antarctica expedition. Is there incontrovertible evidence that man landed on the moon, as well as whether or not the earth is a spinning ball hurling through space at several thousand mph or is it stationary? (Interestly, said to be s pinning at 66,600 mph) Yes, the flat earth question has to be asked!!! LOL Thank you!

Brian Root on

StudyLove.org and here is the World’s Fairs page: http://www.studylove.org/worldsfairs.html

Brian Root on

Here’s Howdie’s Author’s Page for his books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AHowdie+Mickoski&s=relevancerank&text=Howdie+Mickoski&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1

Brian Root on

Howdie’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@howdiemickoskitalks

Lisa on

Wow, thank you, Dr Cowan, for sharing this video! I know just enough to be dangerous, but my thought on this is: IS IT POSSIBLE THAT WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH JESUS’S 1000 YEAR REIGN, AND NOW ARE IN THE ‘LITTLE TIME’ WHEN SATAN WILL BE RELEASED AND RULE BEFORE END TIMES?

Gordon Miller on

At 80, nearly everything I was taught and believed has been shown to be wrong or a lie. That classical history is also a lie is to me very troubling if only because might need another 80 years to find the truth.

Sharon K on

Wow. My thoughts are circling around about how these events were used to create the start of the Evolution Mythology spinning. And how teachers were and today are used to initiate and inoculate the young with the official narrative of the day.

Lester on

Today’s headline: JPMorgan Tricked Into Paying $175 Million For Startup With Millions Of Fake Customers. There is an art to extricating fake from real. My opinion is that, no different from a fake virus, the Wild West was mostly historical fakery to trick people into experiencing fantastical delights with riches raining from the sky. Unfortunately, it probably fell far short of its advertised drama. Fake buildings with fake gold statues. Fake Ferris wheel purportedly seats 50 in a cart but more likely only 5 were allowed in each cart. Inside the fake buildings was even more fakery. Have you ever attended an event featuring the Fattest Lady in the World with every inch of her body tattooed? Or a two headed mermaid? Poorly disappointed to see what was really offered? Barnum and Bailey marketing is what you read in the exposition advertising booklet. It’s all a scam copied city to city as the ease of success suckering the public became obvious. There is no past civilization with secret technology used to build the expositions. There are Robber Barons competing for a foothold into city land use with secret deals using the expositions as loss leaders. On and on.

Chana Adar on


(also prompted my recall of NYC 1964…)

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