#82: Dr. Katie Deming
This episode of Conversations with Dr. Cowan and Friends is one of the most fascinating podcast episodes thus far. Katie is a "recovering radiation oncologist" who could no longer participate in conventional oncology because of some very unusual events in her life. In this episode, Katie discusses her journey out of conventional oncology with some meet-ups with the work of Carlos Castaneda among others on her way. She eventually found her way to our New Biology work and is incorporating many New Biology principles in her current consulting work. This is an episode that you won't want to miss. At times, I was moved and speechless listening to her story. Join us and we look forward to your comments.
Learn more about Katie here: https://www.katiedeming.com/
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emma on
Wow, wasn’t expecting that. Tears and goosebumps. Intriguing.
Deborah on
It’s been several days since I listened to Katie and Tom’s conversation and my mind is still blown by the synchronicities it triggered in my life. I’m looking forward to my appointment with Katie. Thank you, Tom!
dana on
This was the best conversation I have watched in so long! Katie is an amazing woman with a story so interesting and meaningful. And the story continues…I cant stop thinking about her, wow… Thank you Tom for bringing this rare gem to our attention. I did have tears streaming down my cheeks at one point.
Gabriele S on
This was a wonderful conversation, and it left me reassured that I am not so weird after all. ;)
I much appreciate Katie’s and Tom’s openness and willingness to approach and engage in these deeper levels of being and healing. Many, many thanks!