#60: Dr. Adam Wuollet
Dr. Adam Wuollet is a holistic physician that trained under my mentorship. His undergraduate studies focused on physiology and later indigenous medicine in Ecuador. He attended medical school at the University of Arizona, with the intention to specialize in what he thought was most important: the heart. His passion has long been to connect to and alleviate suffering. Adam went on to complete a residency in Anesthesiology and fellowship in Pain Management at the University of California – Irvine. His training was truly unique in that he trained both in complementary and alternative medicine at the Samueli Integrative Health Institute, as well as in the most advanced cutting-edge interventional procedures. He was respected as one the top doctors in his specialty. In this podcast episode, I chat with Adam about our new initiative to learn what he hopes to bring to his consults and why he wants to get involved.
Learn more and join the New Biology Clinic: https://newbiologyclinic.com/
Thank you, I love what you are presenting. I have traveled a long road and have good health at 77 and it is due to not going to doctors per se. I have mostly avoided Western medicine since 1970 and eat mostly organic mixed with excercise. Spent some years following macrobiotics and have a really happy time. Problem is I am a failure at speaking to friends about eating healthy. Hoping you hae great success do that since you have the cred. Good fortune to you.
Thompson Maureen on
Thank you both very much for your vision and making it happen! I am a somatic therapist and can attest to the fact that trauma and wounding causes illness. Everything is energy and vibration and the low vibration of trauma in our body will eventually express itself in the physical. Let me know how I can support this vision.
Anne Burich on
I was really moved by this profound and heartfelt conversation between Tom and Adam – two brilliant and compassionate healers searching for the true basis of health far beyond the toxic Big Pharma, textbook approach of allopathic medicine which lost its way long ago, while simultaneously attempting to annihilate all alternative, holistic approaches. Thank you for this uplifting, hopeful discussion!