#45: Dr. Mark Bailey
The mRNA shots: Separating Truth From Hype
Hi, everyone. This week's podcast guest is the New Zealand physician Dr. Mark Bailey. Mark has written brilliant articles dissecting the viral scam and explaining in a clear and concise way the fraudulent science that underlies modern virology.
In this episode, we try to understand what we know about genetic engineering and whether it's really possible for mRNA injections to become a permanent part of our genome. Mark has studied this in detail and can help all of us separate truth from hype.
In addition, Mark has been at the forefront of looking into what is actually contained in the Covid injections. Some of what he has uncovered will be of no surprise to my listeners but is shocking nonetheless. Finally, we look at the germ theory, the history of simply injecting "stuff" into people and much more. Join me for this fascinating interview with one of the true heroes of the "Covid" story.
All the best,
This is not a complaint, more an attempt to improve things. This excellent interview with brilliant Dr. Bailey (whose “A Farewell to Virology” is perfect) is hard to hear. That is mostly my problem, being hard of hearing and lacking proper speakers. The difficulty also stems from Mark Bailey’s slight accent, plus the importance of grasping every sentence and phrase in sometimes technical information. (I never have trouble hearing Tom Cowan himself, so when someone interviews him, I don’t need to hear the questions only Cowan’s answers. It would be a huge improvement if the interviews could be transcribed. I would volunteer to do this myself, after I finish other pressing projects, but that might be years from now. Thanks for the great information and effort.
Anonymous on
Thank you for your question. I have forwarded your inquiry to Dr. Cowan to hopefully address in a live webinar soon. Please feel free to watch live on Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 PM EST on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxdc2o0Q_XZIPwo07XCrNg or on SubscribeStar at https://www.subscribestar.com/dr-tom-cowan or view the video later on Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CivTSuEjw6Qp/?ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIlRWS1p6WCIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJzZWFudG1hY2xlb2RAeWFob28uY29tIn0%3D. or Rumble https://rumble.com/c/DrTomCowan?ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIlRWS1p6WCIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJzZWFudG1hY2xlb2RAeWFob28uY29tIn0%3D
Customer Support
Fargol on
Hi I have a question: what is the purpose of human genome project from your perspective?
thank you
Mango Maguire on
Hello Tom,
Thank you very much for your interview with Mark Bailey.
What struck me the most was the reminder that the Cv-19 virus is nothing, and nothing to be concerned about. That reminded me from earlier things I had read or heard from you before all the vaccinations came into play. Even when you know there is mis-information about, it still leaks into our consciousness, unless we actively bar it and give it no further recognition. But, when you are living down here, near Melbourne, Australia, and you have a system that has an agenda and has supposedly been very successful down here, it nevertheless seeps in.
I will have to go back through some of your earlier podcasts to learn more again about the reasoning and conclusions.
I was recently referred to as a ‘pure blood’, which was refreshing, yet also a reality check, as there are not many ‘pure bloods’ left in the vaccinated world we inhabit. Especially down here.
Also, many thanks to you for responding to an email I sent you quite a while back on a medical concern I had, and I followed your advice and received other more supportive medical assistance.
Cheers, Mango
Pia Benvenutto on
Thank you. I love that you are both so amused and good humored. Plus, it was nice to be introduced to Sam’s partner. Her research concerning the PCR test has been a force in my life.